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Printing 101: What is Paper Scoring? How Does It Work?

Did you know that there is a professional way to fold paper? Yes, there is indeed a correct method to achieve those crisp, clean lines. You can try this yourself by taking a cereal box and disassembling it. Then, take a square section of the box and fold it in half to create a clean, sharp line.

However, if you try this, you’ll likely find that the line isn’t as clean or sharp as you’d like. That’s where “scoring” comes in. Scoring involves creating a crease in a piece of paper that allows it to fold more easily and results in a better-looking line.

What Is Paper Scoring?

paper scoring
Scored Paper

Paper scoring is a technique used in the printing and paper handling industry to create a neat and clean fold in a piece of paper or cardstock. It involves making a shallow, precise crease along the paper where the fold is intended to be, which helps the paper fold more easily and cleanly.

Scoring is particularly important when working with heavier paper stocks, as they can be more difficult to fold cleanly without scoring. When a paper is scored, it creates a weakened line along which the paper can bend without cracking or tearing, resulting in a smoother and more professional-looking fold.

This is done by creating a ridge in the paper with an indentation device. This ridge is where the fold line will occur. Typically, this line is made by using a piece of metal to compress the fibers of the paper in one small area, creating a dip in the paper where it can easily fold.

You can score paper as it goes through the printing press (inline scoring) or after it is finished printing (offline scoring). Offline scoring is often recommended as it tends to be more precise and offers the printer greater control over the process.

Why Paper Scoring?

So why score paper? It’s all about appearances. Scored paper is less likely to “buckle” or “crack” while being folded, and it decreases the chance that the folding process will damage the ink that is delicately placed on the surface of the paper.

When should you score?

Scoring is most effective when used on heavyweight papers like cardstock and cardboard. These varieties are more resistant to manipulation because they are thicker and more stubborn. Generally, the thicker the paper, the wider the score.

Several methods for scoring paper:

There are several methods for scoring paper:

  • Manual Scoring: This involves using a scoring tool, such as a bone folder or a scoring board, to create a crease along the paper. The tool is run along the paper to create a shallow, precise line that guides the fold.
  • Machine Scoring: This is done using a machine called a scoring machine or a paper folder, which is specifically designed for scoring paper. The machine applies pressure to the paper along the intended fold line, creating a neat and clean crease.
  • Pre-Scoring: Some commercial printers offer pre-scoring as a service, where the paper is scored before it is printed. This ensures that the paper will fold cleanly after printing, without any risk of ink cracking or smudging along the fold line.

some tips for scoring paper

  • Only use new paper. Old paper tends to be dryer and less receptive to a successful score.
  • Always score with the grain of the paper, never against.
  • Score one practice piece before scoring an entire batch.
  • Once scored, fold the paper so the hinge is on the inside of the fold.

If you have any questions about  printing, feel free to reach out to us at 718-928-6888 or submit our quote request form. We’re here to assist you in any way we can.

Take care!
Jeff @ New York Printing Center


About New York Printing Center - Your Reliable Printing Partner NYC

NY Printing Center offers a wide range of printing services, including offset and digital printing. We specialize in various areas like book printing, full-color printing, laminated printing, flyer printing, brochure printing and many more. If you have any printing questions or a project you'd like to talk about, We are here to assist. You can contact one of our printing experts via Live Chat on our website, email or by filling out our simple quote request form. The New York Print Center team has been providing worry-free printing and related services since 1995.

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